Home AXTRO Fit 3 (NSC6 Edition) How do I know if my activities are of moderate-to-vigorous intensity?

How do I know if my activities are of moderate-to-vigorous intensity?

Last updated on Apr 17, 2023

Moderate-to-vigorous intensity is attained at least 64% of the maximum heart rate (Source: National Physical Activity Guidelines, Health Promotion Board, 2011).

An individual’s maximum heart rate is estimated to be 220 minus the individual’s age. The AXTRO Fit 3 is able to track participants’ heart rate automatically throughout the day, as long as the tracker is worn correctly on the wrist.

From 11 October 2021 onwards, the duration of MVPA, or higher intensity physical activities would be automatically computed when participants sync their fitness records to the Healthy 365 mobile app. Participants may tap on “National Steps Challenge Season 5” on the Healthy 365 mobile app dashboard to check their MVPA duration. Please update the Healthy 365 mobile app to the latest version from 11 October 2021 onwards in order to enjoy the full features of the National Steps Challenge Season 6.